How to Do #SexTalkTuesday
#SexTalkTuesday (STT) is the biggest adult topic twitter chat. It has been running since March of 2013. It is “owned” by A Twitter chat is an hour-long twitter based discussion that centers around a hashtag. People who want to participate will follow the hashtag to see all the tweets using the hashtag, and therefore see all the conversation. Every Tuesday there is a guest moderator who has a topic and 5 questions. The community interacts with the moderator’s questions and discusses the topic. The @SexTalkTuesday twitter account helps the moderator, helps move the discussion along, will monitor the discussion, and lead the discussion if necessary. Topics for STT can be anything but are always sex positive. We have had simple ones like best ways to enjoy giving blowjobs to rape. We are not afraid of “heavy” topics. We encourage our moderators to be inclusive of all genders and sexuality.
Quick Facts:
- STT is the biggest and longest running adult twitter chat
- The audience is predominantly female, educated, and sex positive. This is a difficult audience for companies to target, and therefore highly valuable.
- We average 3-5 million impressions on the hashtag in an hour.
- Our biggest chat had 26 million impressions and over 1200 mentions in an hour.
- We have had famous mainstream people moderate, such as comedienne/actress Margaret Cho and comedienne Sarah Benicasas, and famous pornstars such as Nina Hartley. You can see some of our more notable moderators:
- The account for STT is @SexTalkTuesday
- The account for Sssh is @ssshforwomen
- The official hashtag is #sextalktuesday
- All STT files are in the SexTalkTuesday dropbox:
- The calendar link for STT is
-Is there a requirement to become a moderator?
No. However, we do insist that the topics be relevant to our audience and not just an advertisement.
- Does your account have to have a minimum number
of followers?
- No, but an account with very few followers may be scheduled in last minute spots or in less desirable dates. Priority will be given to more influential moderators.
- Do we accept advertisers?
- Yes! In fact, we want advertisers.
- If I find an advertiser, do I get a referral
- Yes! We will pay 10% referral fee for any advertiser you bring to us.
- How far in advance should moderators be
- I like to have them booked at least a month in advance.
- What if the moderator only gives me questions
and no topic?
- Feel free to create a topic heading based of the questions.
- The moderator didn’t send me their bio, headshot
photo, or a quote for PR, what do I do?
- Let Angie know who the moderator is and tell he they didn’t give us the information. She will write the PR without it.
Cheat Sheet
- Book Moderator
- Send Getting Started Email (3 weeks before)
- Get questions, bio, PR quote from Moderator. (Thursday before STT)
- Write promo tweets (Wed/Thurs before)
- Create panels (Day before)
- Send panels to moderator (day before)
- Send PR info to Angie so she can write the PR. (Friday before)
- Submit PR (Day before)
- Send info and panels to STT team on upcoming moderator (Day before)
Booking Moderators
Booking moderators is a team effort. We ask the engager for @sextalktuesday and for @ssshforwomen to help get moderators but they are not always motivated or successful. There are a few ways to look for moderators, ask the team for suggestions, post on Twitter, post on Facebook, post on, ask Angie, email the PR agents.
- Posting on Twitter: set up recurring posts on @sextalktuesday, @ssshforwomen, @7_veils that says we are looking for moderators. You can also go on Twitter and ask people directly. A great place to look is in the tweets from previous discussions where people have brought up topic suggestions. Ask the team if they know of someone who would be a good moderator and if they would make an introduction. Feel free to use the @7_Veils twitter account to talk to people about moderating. We are a well-known company and it can be easier to have the discussion from that Twitter.
- Posting on Facebook: Log in to the Facebook and make a post about looking for moderators. You can also post in some of the groups such as Adult Industry Group.
- Post on Log in to the forum and create a discussion thread looking for moderators.
- Email the PR agents asking if they have any
clients they would like to have as moderators on STT.
- Kelly Shibari:
- Adela Curry:
- Brian Gross:
- Erika Icon:
- Lanie Speiser:
- Tanya Tate:
- Denise Kraft:
Here is an example email that I sent to PR people:
Hi Adella, How are you? I hope you are well.
Do you have any clients interested in being a moderator for SexTalkTuesday? First date available is Dec 17, jan and feb are open.
Jan 7, 14, 21, 28
Feb 4, 11, 18, 25
Thanks, Lauren
- Ask Angie: Angie, who owns, can help find moderators as well.
Once the moderator is booked, add them to the STT calendar ( Also add them to the excel spreadsheet in dropbox. This has all the tracking so you know what you have sent to each moderator.
Get questions, bio, PR quote from Moderator.
About three weeks before a scheduled moderator, send them the Getting Started email. You can edit this as you would like. I saved the one I recently used, called the “Lauren’s Getting Started Email”. This will ask them for all the information you need. Once you get all the information, save it in their guest moderator folder.
Write promo tweets:
I try to get promo tweets going out starting the Wednesday before the next moderator. We have prewritten tweets you can use in Tweets folder in the STT folder. Or there are saved drafts in e-clincher. One or 2 a day is fine. Make sure to use #sextalktuesday and to tag the moderator in the tweets. You can also ask the writing team to do the tweets. Put in your request at the password is Keith247!
Create panels
Once you have the questions you can make the panels or send them to Lauren to make the panels. Put the panels in the guest moderator’s folder and send to the moderator and to the team. Often this happens the day before the chat but it can be done earlier if the questions arrive earlier.
Send PR info to Angie so she can write the PR.
Angie will need the bio, their quote, topic, and/or questions.
Submit PR
Once you get the written press release from Angie you will need to submit it to:
Category is Entertainment
Keywords: sextalktuesday, twitter
Contact info: Your contact info
Twitter: @sextalktuesday
On the day of STT look in the morning for the links to the PR, sometimes these will come out the day before. Often the companies will send you a link to the PR. Post the PR on the STT twitter account. You can schedule these so they are more spread out on the timeline. Send the PR links to the moderator so she can tweet them as well.
Send info and panels to STT team on upcoming moderator
Now that you have all your information, send it along to the team who manages STT. Make sure to tell them who the moderator is, give their twitter handle, topic with the questions, and send the panels.
Congratulations! You have run a #SexTalkTuesday and you did a great job!
If you want to see stats about STT you can go to and login, create a report for the time period and you will be able to see how many impressions there were and who participated.